Consultant in Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Pier Luigi developed further into technical officer in emergency medical systems for the World Health Organization. He moved from the Università del Piemonte Orientale where he firstly co-founded the Research Centre in Emergency and Disaster Medicine and after he established and led as Scientific Director the Simulation Centre in Health Science (SIMNOVA) until 2020, Pier Luigi currently leads the Centro di Simulazione (CeSi) in the Centro Professionale Sociosanitario MedicoTecnico in Lugano, Switzerland.
Pier Luigi has lectured in many national and international scientific congresses and is author of more than 60 research articles published in peer review journals (see PubMed). Editor of the first simulation case book in Italian (see here) and author of a monograph about debriefing [in Italian; see here] and about strategic debriefing [in English; see here]. President of the Italian Society of Medical Simulation (SIMMED), Pier Luigi launched the educational and cultural simulation event SIMCUP© and is co-founder and Editorial Director of SIMZINE©.
Having broad international experiences, Pier Luigi is a simulation enthusiast who enjoys developing new training and research projects that encourage and promote innovation in healthcare and increase quality of care and patient safety.
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