Members, New Members and First Time Attendees

Our members, including new members and first-time attendees, are part of our membership community and critical to our work and our mission.

We are working with the scientific committee to make sure that the programme is delivered online in a way that is easy to access from home or from work with all of the concurrent demands that are currently being made on your time. 

Importantly, we are committed to bringing networking opportunities to the fore so that the meeting remains a social event with real opportunities to meet and connect with colleagues. 

Specifically, we are inviting more of our global colleagues to join us for this virtual meeting so that we can share recent practice more widely and give the meeting a more international reach.

We believe that the virtual platform that we have chosen to use will provide many more opportunities to network. 

For a conversation about how our virtual platform can deliver more opportunities for you and your organisation to join virtually please contact