Dear Friends and Colleagues
A warm welcome to you this November. Let me bring you up to date on the last month's SESAM activities.
As you will remember from my last newsletter, the EC and myself hosted a board meeting in Belfast in the early part of October.
During this time we discussed many of the day to day matters involved in the running of the Society, including the formation of the Scientific and Organising Committees, as approved by you, our members, at the General Assembly. Invitations to join these Committees are in the process of being sent out, and we very much hope that they are accepted. These two new Committees will then support us in the running of SESAM as we continue to grow.
The development of the website also featured in our discussions, and we are very excited to announce the launch of our SIM Centre pages. Click here to see the newly formed pages and take a moment to look around, and read about the featured Centres. We currently have close to 40 centres featured on the pages, in both list or a dynamic map view - some have supplied more information than others, but we hope you will agree that this is a great place to start! If you would like to add more information about your SIM Centre, or would like to see your SIM Centre featured on these pages, you can do so by completing the survey. You will also need to send a short paragraph about your SIM Centre to which will then feature on the landing page of the SIM Centre pages.
Of course we couldn't hold a meeting in Belfast without meeting the team who are working on the Belfast 2015 Annual Meeting, and a visit to the Belfast Waterfront Hall where the meeting will be held, with its spectacular views of Belfast. Further details on the next Annual Meeting will be published on the Belfast 2015 website soon, and we will communicate further news through our newsletter.
As usual, we continue to promote the work being done in the wider SIM community - particularly the Clinical Simulation Conference 2015 meeting, which we are delighted to be collaborating on. It would be great if some of you could join us Dubai in February 2015 for what promises to be another valuable learning and networking experience, and SESAM Members qualify for a 15% Early Bird reduction on registration fees.
And there I will leave you Wrap up against the approaching Winter, and I will speak to you all again in early December before we break to enjoy the approaching festivities.
Best regards.