Dear Friends and Colleagues,
A warm hello to you all. We are aware that it has been a long silent time since our last newsletter. During this time, we have had our Annual Meeting and started to work on our next Meeting, taking place in Paris 2017. Below are some topics that we would like to share with you:
SESAM 2016
Our 22nd Annual Meeting took place in Portugal. During the General Assembly at SESAM 2016, we welcomed a new member to the EC, Marc Lazarovici who was elected as our new Treasurer, and happy to greet the second term of our Vice President Stefan Gisin.
We also, very proudly announced the start of the SESAM Accreditation programme during this General Assembly. We have worked very hard for a long time on this programme and are very happy to be able to offer our members this long-since asked for feature.
This accreditation program is based upon the experience and expertise of the international multidisciplinary and inter-professional community of practice. It takes into account the broad variety of simulation modalities and the context of their usage.
Advances in Simulation (AIS)
AIS, the official journal of SESAM provides a forum to share scholarly practice to advance the use of simulation in the context of health and social care. We would like to thank all Editorial Board Members and all authors who are sending their manuscripts to our journal who all make very valuable contributions to the progress of our journal. Thus the journal's activity has been getting increasingly busy over the last months and we are happy to see it's progress. We kindly invite you all to visit the Journal's webpage where you can read the very valuable articles relevant to simulation and submit your manuscripts.
One of our SESAM goals is to intensify our collaborations with National Simulation Societies throughout Europe. We are happy to announce that aggrements with the German (DGSIM) and French (SOFRASIMS) Simulation Societies have been established. We also renewed our agreement with International Pediatric Simulation Society (IPSS) during IPSSW 2016 and with the Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH) during SESAM 2016. Other National Simulation Societies are very welcome to apply for affiliation to help expand the network of collaborating Simulation Societies.
Membership renewal
Finally, we would like to remind you that you can renew your membership at any point during the year and enjoy a rolling year's membership. To renew your membership, click here.
Antoine Tesniere
SESAM President