A sincere and warm welcome to you all this upcoming winter season and welcome to the October newsletter from SESAM.
New Executive Board During SESAM 2015 in Belfast, two positions changed within the Executive Commitee. My duty has now changed to President of SESAM and we have a new Secretary on board. To view information about the new Executive Board, please follow this link. |
Executive Committee Meeting We held our EC Meeting in the beautiful city of Lisbon in Portugal, which will be hosting SESAM 2016. We were very welcomed by the local organising team during our visit and worked effectively with them regarding the upcoming Lisbon 2016 Congress. We were excited to visit the Lisbon Congress Centre (Centro de Congressos de Lisboa); the venue for our next Annual Meeting (15-17 June 2016). During our time in Lisbon we discussed important matters involved in the running of the society, which included topics such as: the formation of Scientific and Operational Commitees, accreditation of Centers, the relationship with industry partners, affiliation with other societies and possible interactions with other societes. |
Annual Meeting Belfast 2015 Our Annual Meeting Belfast 2015 was hosted at Belfast Waterfront Hall. The meeting provided an excellent opportunity for the SESAM assembly simulation users, from all over Europe, to meet and exchange information about scientiifc, educational and many other aspects of simulation in healthcare. We would like to thank the Belfast Team for the warm hospitality Belfast city offered and for the social programme of the congress. Especially the Gala Dinner at the Titanic Centre which allowed guests to experience the historical atmosphere of the Titanic. During this year's Congress we awarded two researchers; Ranjev Kainth (Guy's and St Thomas', London) and Prof José Martins (Portugal). We are happy to announce that prize award concept will be continuing during the next annual meetings. It is a topic that we are currently working on and you will soon be able to access the terms and conditions via our website. To view further information about the Belfast meeting or view the conference photographs, please follow this link. |
Dutch Society for Simulation SESAM aims to intensify collaborations with National Simulation Societies throughout Europe. We are therefore happy to announce an agreement between SESAM and the Dutch Society for Simulation Healthcare (DSSH). We are very keen to welcome other National Simulation Societes to work together. To visit the DSSH website, please follow this link. |
Global Network for Simulation in Healthcare (GNSH) SESAM has been founding Society of GNSH 2010 in London/UK and was represented by Ralph Krage (Immediate Past President), Helge Lorentzen (Past President) and Stefan Gisin (Vice-President) at this year's meeting in Stavanger. Please follow this link to read essentials of the meeting report provided by the GNSH Executive Board. We hope that most of you have completed the Concensus Guidelines Survey that was sent by our secreteriat in early July. This survey aims to develop Concensus Guidelines to establish the value of simulation for different stakeholders; a project of the Global Network for Simulation in Healthcare (GNSH), SESAM is associated with GNSH so you will receive updates via our website. |
3rd UAE Clinical Simulation Conference 2016 The 3rd UAE Clinical Simulation Conference 2016 in collaboration with the 2nd SESAM MENA Conference, will take place from 23rd-25th February 2016. The conference will be held at the Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC). To read more information about the conference objectives please follow this link. |
Antoine Tesniere
President of SESAM